Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Day in NYC

Today I woke up to a call from my uncle asking if I wanted to hang out. So, of course, I said yeah. So four of us headed up to NYC.
I didn't know we were going there, so it was a nice surprise. We took the ferry over, passing the Statue of Liberty on the way. We took a long walk to find some shops where I ended up getting an NYC t-shirt and some sweet action sunglasses. On the way to the shops, we stopped at a little bakery which was really good, but the cashier didn't have change for a $20 which was odd, so we ended up getting 2 things for 2 bucks. We looked around for a while and shopped and then started to get hungry at dinner time. So we searched for an Italian restaurant called Vincent's. All over the walls there were pictures of famous people eating there. People like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Paulie from Goodfellas  were featured on the walls. The food was amazing. I got chicken franches, which I get almost anytime I go to an authentic Italian place.

I was starting to not feel so hot because I had an ear infection, so we stopped to get Advil which saved the rest of the night! We took a taxi to see Harry Potter at an 8 story Imax theater; it was pretty awesome. I think it was the best of the movies.

After that, we took the taxi to the ferry where we headed back home. Btw I saw a rat running down the sidewalk near the ferry station... not cool at all. It was an adventurous day... lots of fun to be had in the city! Thanks UJ!